Sunday, May 20, 2007

Halong Bay, Vietnam: 8May07

Limestone, cruise, serenity... This is my vacation

The Halong Bay tour was a very relaxing one. The junk sailed across or passed by the limestone islands. There were 13 of us on board and we just chit chatting, read book or simply lied on the void deck to enjoy the scenery and serenity. It was really the feeling of "i am on holiday!" i felt extremely relaxed as i don't have to rush for bus, no hassle or bargain and no checking on map.

There was group of 4 students just finished their University from Singapore. 2 Singaporean guys and 2 Chinese gals. i chit chatted for quite a while with one of the guy and surprisingly he is one of the rare young Singaporean to care about his nation and others. Someone not only looking for himself.

The boat docked near to a lime stone cave and we went in. The cave looks very much the same as what i saw at Mulu National Park, Sarawak, years ago. Basically people introduced name to the stones because of their shapes look like something. may be animals or others. The lights shooting on the stones make a very good ambient though. Constract with the hot weather, the cave was very cooling.

So the boat also docke at some kind of fish farm. i felt very much uncomfortable there. The korean group in the boat started to buy fresh seafood and so as some other people. i hope those animals eaten up by them would have a better rebirth.

The jetty at Halong City. Almost all boats sail from here.

The boat docked at one of the Island for us to visit to some caves. The visit to the caves requires a hike up steps to reach.

One of the chamber in the cave. The cave has been lit up with colorful lights.

The magnificent Halong Bay is one of the natural wonders of Vietnam.

Fish farm (kelong).

A tube worm attached to the net.

The beautiful sunset by Halong Bay.

1.) Food: 42000 D
2.) Transportation: Small boat to the lagoon - 30000 D

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