Monday, May 7, 2007

Saigon - Dalat, Vietnam - 26Apr07

Due to the festive holiday, lodging has became my biggest expenses. So i come out with a solution, "Come on! i am student. I just happend to be here during holiday and i do not come here because it is holiday. Please..." Normally it works and i got less inflated rate.

The journey from Saigon to Dalat was 8 hours. i was tired by the time i arrived, plus the 'begging' for lower rate. It was exhausting. i went to the market though, to buy some fresh fruits. The old lady at the market refused to give me change of 1000D. When i think about, well, it is even less than ten cent USD. So i just waived it off and went away.

i think a lot of time may travelers think they were kind of 'cheated' is greatly because of people don't use to this kind of big figure currency. When we talk about a few cent, we simply just don't bother. But when we talk about thousand, then a lot of time we just forgot and think, "Wow! This is a lot of money!" Kind of amusing, but i guess i will get used.

One the way from Saigon to Dalat. Up mountain.

The road goes spirally up hill.

Dalat town central.

1.)Accommodation: USD 8
- Hotel 171. Bathroom+toilet paper+hot shower+satelite TV+mosquito net. No window, no towel and no air-con (the temperature is around 24 Degree celcius in day time, even colder at night. So nobody need an air-con).
2.)Food: USD 64000 D
3.)Transport: 20000 D

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