Saturday, September 22, 2007

Jaipur, Rajasthan, India: 15June07

Hindi Movie!

We skipped all the sighseeing and merely wondering around the street, eat street food and went to watch a Hindi movie!

The Indian in the cinema who sat beside of us have more interest on us rather than the movie. He was laughing ike hell when he knows that we don't understand Hindi and we were merely watching at the picture. But it was a comedy, so i wasn't that difficult to knows what was going on without the understanding of language. But the intermission of 20 mintues for a movie was kind of "unbelievable" to me. We only get "intermission" for theatre performance!

Jaipur have small city central and yet very very crowded. In the city central itself, everywhere is people, animals and human powered or motorised vehicles. The cycle rickshaw drivers and auto-rickshaw drivers just wouldn't let us off. Every shops that we passed by, it was always "Come to see my shop. See no money."

You could have an elephant ride on the busy and crowded street!

There was some kind of parade or celebration on the street.

This is how busy was the street during normal weekday and "non-peak hour"!

1 comment:

  1. I had a similar reaction when I went to see a Hindi film here in the US! :-)

    The intermission makes sense. The indian films I've seen on DVD or VCD sometimes have intermissions in them. usually they are long films, though... like 3 hours.

    (and yes, the stories are easy to follow even if you don't speak hindi :-)
