Thursday, May 29, 2008

5-8May2008: London, UK

First Time Europe

The musical Billy Elliot has Billy jump like this in the poster. :)

Wherever there are Chinese, there is a Chinatown.

Leicester Square.

With my ex-colleague, Ah Koon, in front of national gallery.

With my beloved best friend, Mei Siang, in the underground London tube.

One of the mummies at British Museum.

The statue in front of Buckingham Palace.

Buckingham Palace at behind.

Camden town. Many shops selling gothic and punk stuff.
A good place for cheap shopping too.

St Paul's Cathedral. This is where Princess Diana and Prince Charles got married.

British Airways London Eye.

We are at the highest point in London Eye.

The famous Tower Bridge.

Thames River.

Incredibly fine and very beautiful House of Parliment.

Big Ben (大笨钟) and part of the Parliment House.


  1. hv u use your new mesh bag? enjoy!...

  2. Very happy to finally "meet" Mei Siang :-)
