Thursday, August 13, 2009

Berlin, Germany: 8 July 2009

Reunited Metropolis

My impression to Germany are, it is an advanced engineering country and one of the leaders in sustainable living. In the other way, nobody can forget about the legacy of xenophobia and genocide left by Hitler and the Nazi Third Reich. We came to Berlin just for the former Berlin Wall, two decades after the fall of it.
By the way, the no speed limit highway is true. But there are no free toilets any where in the city or highway. Even at the restaurant where you eat, sometimes they will still charge you 50 cents euro.

For decades a barricaded gateway to noway, the Brandenburgh Gate is the powerful emblem of reunited Germany and Berlin. Standing right in the center of the city, today it opens east and west.
There is a quite room nearby, where one can go inside the room and enjoy the peace with quietness.
This is obviously a place for both tourists and street artists.

Student band by the Brandenburgh Gate, at Pariser Platz.

A private tributes to the Holocaust victims at Tiergarten.

The Reichstag is the German parliament building, one of the most famous Berlin attractions. It is the seat of German Bundestag, place where laws are made. “Dem Deutschen Volke” (To the German People) mounted above the western portico of the Reichstag Building.
Tourists queued up to enter the dome in the building.

The memorial to the murdered Jews of Europe.
There are 2711 stelae from flat to the height of more than 4 meter.
There is an information centre underground. A series of texts and pictures shows the development that led to the Holocaust and the process of the extermination of the European Jewry, as well as the persecution and murder of other victims groups.

Checkpoint Charlie was once the gateway for Non-Germans during the Cold War.

The remaining of the Berlin Wall.

We went into the city, Dresden, on our way to Czech Republic. The Allied bombing in 1945 killed 50 thousands people and destroyed 75% of the city centre.

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